Saturday, August 16, 2008

No RapidShare Ticket

Well This Is Very Simple Trick

You Know That After A Download From RapidShare , to Download Another File you Have to wait for a while.

This is mainly possible as they track your ip address and from cookie.

so trick is simple

1.> First Clear Your Cookies ,In mozilla its down from tools,clear private data and tick on cookies and click on clear private data, similarly in internet explorer ,go to tools >internet options and click on delete cookies

2.>Now you just switch off your modem and turn it back on ,this will change your external ip address, Am assuming that you have Broad Band connection.

3.>In case you have dailup connection,go to command prompt(in run found on start menu type cmd)

In command prompt type

ipconfig / release

ipconfig / renew

i have not tested this dialup trick,so don't know if this works

4.>Anyway,after your modem starts and online try downloading another file

5.>follow same procedure to download many files

Note:Due To recent RapidShare hack,there is possibility that they might have added many new security features
So there is a probability that this trick might not Work.

1 comment:

Prajnith said...

Thank you for posting.. but it does not work..

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