Friday, January 23, 2009

Speed up web browsing with OpenDNS

Increase Pc And Mobile Browsing Speed With OpenDNS:

By settings your DNS address to OpenDNS u can increase your browsing speed ,
DNS stands for Domain Name System & acts like a translator for IP address which is a websites real address,e.g. if u want to go to YAHOO website, you just type in , but its real address is , it would be difficult to remember that set of numbers, Hence DNS .

OpenDNS provides free alternative DNS servers that anyone can use with any internet provider. Unlike many national internet providers, OpenDNS’s DNS servers are very fast and reliable. Using OpenDNS servers instead of your ISP servers will help you speed up your internet browsing by cutting down on the delay between resolving a domain name and getting the IP address so your browser can start loading the web page.

Configuring your computer to use OpenDNS servers instead of your ISP’s is a simple change that works in both Windows XP and Windows Vista:

  1. Click on the Start Button and type in ncpa.cpl and hit Enter. In Windows XP Click on the Start Button, click Run and then type in ncpa.cpl
  2. Right click on your active network connection(Local Area Connection) that you use to connect to the Internet and select Properties.
  3. On the Networking / General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (TCP/IPv 4 on Windows Vista) and hit Properties.
  4. On the properties screen, select Use the following DNS server addresses and then type in in the preferred DNS Server and in the alternate DNS Server boxes.

  5. Hit OK twice and you are finished.
  6. And Reboot Your Pc for Changes to Take Effect.
The same Procedure Works on Your Mobile Phones especially SmartPhones(Windows Mobile).

Just Go to Settings then connection Manager or Data Connections depends on Your Mobile Os Version and In GPRS connection Just change the Primary DNS address to
And Secondary DNS Address to

And Restart Your Mobile Phone For Settings to Take Effect and Notice the Change In Browsing Speed.

For More Details Visit

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