Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Free Idle Tasks Tweak

This tweak will free up processing time from any idle processes and allow it to be used by the foreground application.
It is useful particularly if you are running a game or other 3D application.
Right click on desktop ,click on new>shortcut
And In Location Box Type
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

And place it on your desktop.
Double-click on it anytime you need all of your processing power, before opening the application.

I have Noticed that sometimes this above mentioned method doesn't work...
If So Just follow procedure below
1\right click on desktop, click on new>Text document
2\Now type
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
3\Now while saving the file,For Save as type:select All Files(*.*)
4\And in file name type free.bat
5\Now whenever you need to free up system resource,just click on this file on desktop
6\In case if you are using Vista, you have to right click on this file(free.bat) and click on run as administartor..

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