Monday, April 25, 2011

Adobe Acrobat Reader on 64bit Linux

 Adobe has released 64 bit version of Acrobat Reader for Linux

To install in ubuntu,open terminal and type

sudo apt-get install acroread

Or Visit

Adobe has not released 64bit Acrobat reader for Linux and its not possible to install 32bit acrobat reader without doing some tweaks on 64bit Linux.  so solution is to install i486 version of Acrobat reader.

Its Available for download at

After you download the AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin file
open terminal and cd to the directory where you have saved the installation file

Now type sudo chmod a+x AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin

And Then type sudo ./AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin

This should install Acrobat reader on your 64bit Linux Os

For other Versions of Acrobat reader for Linux And Solaris


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