Tuesday, November 4, 2008

N95 tweaks & tips

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Here's some tips and trick on the net:
*If you dont long-press the menu key - another way to see if you have apps running in the background is to view the menu in icon mode. Usually there's a small "C" on the upper right of each icon, or on the folder where it's located, indicating that an app is currently running there. This is very useful coz it enables you to gain more memory.

* Ever had a time when you forgot to lock your keys after closing the slider? The n95 lets you input a specific time when you want the keys locked. Just to menu/tools/setting/general/security/phone and sim/.... then choose user-defined in the 'phone autolock period', then just put in how many minutes you want.

*Unlike the 6280 and E65, the N95 does not hang up the call when you close the slide. So after the dialing the number you're calling - you can close the slide and have a more compact phone to hold.

*Increase your RAM by deleting the "Welcome" application in your phone. Delete also other apps that you're not using - like the 'Search" app.

*(from hofo) Want to "hide" some pictures so that it doesn't show up in your Gallery? You can move the photos to another folder in your phone. Like the "my videos" folder. These photos can still be seen and viewed by a 3rd party photo viewer or a file manager - but at least, now when you open the gallery - they wont show up.

*If you have a lot of videos (mp4, 3gp, etc) on your phone, it's always better to arrange them in subfolders. Dont keep more than 130 clips in one folder, if over that, just make another subfolder then put another 130 clips there, and so on and on. If having more than 130 clips - it slows down the phone to unbearable speeds when previewing them in the gallery.

*Once every few weeks, especially if you add and delete photos in your gallery, you should delete the "_pAlbtn" subfolder in your "Images" folder. (Use a file xplorer to view and delete this, or use your PC). This would refresh the entire gallery - and would ensure that your thumbnails are updated. If you delete this folder and dont view the images - it will temporarily give you more space in your memory card.

*Set your call LOG to 10 days or less - this will help in speeding up your phone.

*When connected to a TV or Widescreen monitor, and you're viewing smartmovie movies, try this out. Instead of sliding the slider to make it horizontal, a better way is to set smartmovie to 'portrait' mode. It shows up as landscape on the TV - and there's definitely less pixelation on the picture. (than when sliding the slider to horizontal and 'forcing' the phone to compensate.)

*(from friedblogs) Make your Ringtone horrendously loud by turning ON the 3D Ringtone.

*Unless you have a good reason not to, just change your network to "GSM" only... to conserve battery.

*Also turn the WLAN search to off when you're not using it. This conserves battery as well.

*(from friedblogs) Using GPS, click on options/view/satellite info, then after you got a good satellite status say 3 to 5 you can then click back and it will make your connection faster.

*Oh... just in case you dont know it yet, you can hold down the pound key (#) when in the standby menu, to activate the 'silent mode' in your phone.

*Don’t use the red ("hangup") key to exit an application. In many apps, this just keeps it in the background, eating up memory and slowing down your phone.

*You can change the shortcuts on the home screen to the apps you use most frequently by going to Settings/General/Personalisation/Standby Mode/Shortcuts.

*Ever have a problem when installing themes.... and the dreaded "expired certificate" error message pops up? This is mainly due to the fact the licensed signed certificate that nokia gave for the thememaker has a 1 year validity period - if you're just installing this old theme, and its more than a year old, you'll get that message. Simple solution is to go to the calendar of your 95, set the date back one year, or maybe 8 months - then install the theme you wanted. Restart the phone, then set the correct time again, and you're done.

*Do you want to have a zoom browser without using the default 95's browser? One of the things that some are complaining about the default browser is that the pages (and the default zoom) show up as very big pages. You have to adjust the zoom levels or go to the page overview to find out where you exactly you are in the page being viewed. Opera Mini 4 Beta solves this in a simple and ingenious way.

* If installing an "unsigned" app, and there's lots of them out there (many are free!)... and the phone refuses to install it. You can turn off the certification check. Just go to 'Tools/App manager/Options/Settings' and set 'Software installation' to "All".... and 'Online certif check' to "Off".

* One handy way to get around the menu icons (in the menu screen) quickly is to quick select them. The N95 displays 12 application icons on a menu screen at any moment, just like other S60 phones. The numeric keypad also has 12 buttons. You can select menu icons by pressing the keypad button that corresponds to the location of the application item on the screen. For example, pressing "1" activates the topmost left application, pressing "2" activates the top center icon, and so on.

* Normally, as in other s60 phones, you can delete an application thru the App Manager menu. But there's a much quicker way of doing this. In the menu screen of whatever app you want to delete... just highlight that icon, then press "C".

* (from webukonline) Don't keep switching back to the Standby screen using the Hangup button. This was OK on old versions of S60, but in almost every instance it closes the current application on the N95 - in other words, it acts as 'Exit'. If you want to keep the current program running in the background, press Menu/Apps instead, twice if you want to get to Standby screen.

* The N95 if you notice... is that not fast when it comes to shot-to-shot speed. This is mainly because the default setting for 'Show captured image' is 'On'. Loading and decoding a megabyte plus of JPG does take a while - do yourself a favour - if you can live without display of what you've just snapped, turn this setting 'Off' and you'll be able to snap photos only three seconds apart, much quicker than the default!

* Never mind the pretty but very slow 'multimedia menu' - you can go straight to music player by pressing and holding the multimedia key.

* In the Calendar menu, '#' moves you immediately to the current day, while '*' toggles between the different views. And if you need to start a new 'meeting' entry at any point, just start entering text.

* Camcorder tips: (from webukonlne) The VGA video capture is one of the unique selling points of the N95, so make sure you make the most of it.
- Make sure you use a top-spec, high performance microSD card. At 28MB/min you're going to need it. A SanDisk Ultra II is ideal. Don't buy a cheap copy off eBay, get one from a genuine vendor.
- Don't use digital zoom - you're simply throwing away quality. If you need to get closer to your subject then get closer!
- Don't try and film too close to the N95, as there's no auto-focus in video mode. Stick to subjects more than a metre away.
- As with still photos, film only in good light; you'll be very disappointed by anything shot in dim conditions.
- Don't pan around a scene too fast. Despite the spec of shooting at 30fps, the N95's video will appear slightly jerky.

* In ver.11 - there's a bug in the N95 firmwares that you need to be aware of. If you change ANY of the scene modes (ie: macro, portrait, etc) the "sharpness" setting gets set to "high". (from the default of "normal"). To use the N95's camera in a scene mode, remember to always go down to the bottom of the camera control icons and reset the 'Sharpness' to normal, otherwise your pictures are going to end up lookin too sharp.

* Dial down the megapixels a little. Ask yourself this, do you really need a 5 megapixel camera every time? Each image will take up well over 1 meg on your memory card. If you need to print on a bond-paper sized paper - 3 megapixels will do just fine. Why waste precious space if you don't have to, right? So just adjust the resolution in the Camera Settings.

* If you're going to use GPS and you're in a car - do yourself a favor, and buy a 12v car charger beforehand. It would certainly be worth the convenience of not worrying all the time if your phone is going to conk out on you... especially if you're lost and is depending on the GPS to navigate yourself out

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