Monday, September 1, 2008

Ultimate utorrent tweaks to make maximum out of your bandwidth

Utorrent being an ultimate torrent client gives the best to download anything and of any size.There are lot of utorrent tweaks and settings for both xp and vista which can make download faster,increase utorrent download speed and you can make most of your bandwidth.Most of the people tend to ignore their utorrent bandwidth tweaks and settings resulting in lower upload and slow download. .So Lets speed tweak utorrent.

Optimum Bandwidth Settings

The Speed Guide in utorrent is the easiest way to get right upload and download speed. Press [Ctrl + G] or go to options>speed guide. There you will get a drop downbox . connection type, which lets you choose your closest connection speed. Then click Use Connection Settings. The maximum number and other settings will be automatically applied.

Setting Up Ports

Since utorrent is a p2p client, thus you need to have open ports which act as entry point for people to get ta from you. If you don’t have open ports you won’t get sufficient download rate either.Some ISP’s and routers block. If you are using routers, set it up to forward the ports on using in utorrent. You can check to find the correct port using the options>speedguide. Enter a port number and check it. It will open up a new web page which can tell if the port is open or not. If not choose a different port till u find the correct port number.

Encrypting Network Data

Similarly some ISP’s try to limit the bandwidth to p2p applications. uTorrent have protocol encryption which makes detection and limiting by ISP’s harder.You can enable protocol encryption by going to Options > Preferences > Bittorrent. There is a section called as Protocol Encryption, choose Enabled or Force. This can speed up your bandwidth.

Removing the Connection Limit for XP

Here we are going to modify and replace a system file, So do it at your own risk. But its sure does work.First backup your TCPIP.Sys. Now if you are using windows XP Sp2, the chances are your “maximum half open connection limit is most likely to 10. There are pacthes availble which can remove this problem. One such patcher is . Download the English version and execute the exe in it.

Tip for Vitsa to increase utorrent speed.

Go to Options -> Preferences -> Advanced. The second option under Advanced is ‘net.bind_ip’. Set this to the IP address of your computer. Restart utorrent. This will definetly increase download speed and seeds also.

Using the Web Interface:

uTorrent has a web interface called as Web UI. This allows you to control uTorrent remotely through a browser. You can do pretty much the same things you can do with the program on your computer.To enable WebUI, go to options > Preferences > Advanced > Web. Click on Enable Web interface. Enter username and password. You can download the Web Ui from Download and uncompress the rar file and copy it to Documents and Settings/[Your username]\Application Data\utorrent.IE sometimes doesnt work with it,So either use opera or firefox. Now to access your utrrrent from web open url which should be like this http://Machine_name_or_IP:Port/gui. It will ask for User name and password. There you go ….use from anywhere you want

Settings Download Speed Schedules

uTorrent like any other download manager has a scheduler but it goes one step ahead. You can speed limits during certain period of time. To use it go to Options > Preferences >Scheduler. Click on Enable Scheduler. Here you can setUpload and download rate when the schedule is enabled. You can see scheduler table where you can click on any day and give your preferences to Limit, Turnoff or Full speed and set the bandwidth usage. Dark green is full speed, light green is limited speed and white is turned off.

Create New torrent and add them to trackers

You can create your won torrent file and upload to trackers. Select from menu, File > Create New Torrent > Add file or directory. Enter the address of the tracker that you want to upload, Give a name and save it.You can also select if you want to start seeding now or even you can make it private.Now you can pass it to torrent or friends.

All these setting can definetly help you to make maximum usage out of your bandwidth. I have tested them and it works great for me. I am sure will work for you too.Enjoy it !!!

For More Tips Visit

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